Incredible Weekend
Over the weekend of Saturday, Sunday, and Monday February 23, 24, and 25 the Phoenix Group had a great Taekwon-Do weekend in Fairbanks, Alaska. On Saturday, Mr. Jeff Hurben of Midnight Sun Martial Arts hosted his "Top of the World" Taekwon-Do tournament. It was great to see such a good turnout and several other styles including Kempo and Tang sudo present at the tournament. The tournament was well organized and ran like a well oiled machine.
On Sunday, Solstice a not for profit group, hosted an ITF patterns seminar run by Master William Howard. The turnout was impressive and everybody learned something and walked away happy. After the 3 hour main seminar there was another 30 minute seminar focusing only on the Special Needs Students where we worked primarily on Chon-Ji and the application of the techniques.
Monday was a black belt testing. Congratulations to all who participated. It was a priveledge well deserved. Promoting to the rank of third degree black belt were Ms. Kitana MacPhee, Mr. Aiden Hunter, and Ms. Sarah Waters. Promoting to the rank of 2nd degree was Ms. Morgan Ely. Promoting to 1st degree were Mr. Jack Keener, Mr. Eric Bixler, Ms. Lillian Gengler, Mr. Jackson Bixler, Mr. John Witt, Mr. Samuel Anderson, and Mr. Armor Anderson. Promoting to 1st Gup were Ms. Danielle Witt, Mr. Luke Trevalthan-Alday, and Ms. Elly Keener. We are proud of all of you. Keep up the great work.