Foundations in Taekwon-Do Seminar

Saturday, February 13, 2021

The Phoenix Group provided its first "Foundatons in Taekwon-Do" seminar on Saturday, February 13, 2021.  The Foundation seminars are a group of presentations which are starting at the very beginning of Taekwon-Do techniques and will eventually take the students through the most advanced moves in our art.  Each skill and new technique will be covered in detail.  

While each new seminar  builds on the information and moves from the previous one it is not necessary to have attended the previous seminar to learn from the next.  All seminars are informative and appropriate for all ranks and all ages of sufficient maturity to participate in a virtual seminar.  

Master William Howard our Top Presenter and Mr. Jeff Hurben, coach of team USA for the past 4 World Championships were our presenters.  The seminar reached participants in Alaska, Colorado, Georgia, Kansas, Missouri, Mississippi, Ohio,  South Korea, Texas, and the United Kingdom.

Stay tuned to this webpage for information about the next seminar!