Retreat is a Huge Success

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

The Phoenix Group held its first ever black belt retreat which was hosted by Dr. Karen Kramer and Maum Sin Yong in Aurora, Colorado.  It was a phenominal event which came off without a hitch.  Phoenix Group Instructors and black belts from Alaska, Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Kansas, New Mexico, Tennessee, and Texas were present. Participants enjoyed over 13 hours of lecture and training on Saturday and covered topics from how develop a school, to foot work in patterns, to timing in sparring, to qualifying for team USA, to self defense.  

Just before dinner Saturday night Master Steve Blakely was officially promoted to the rank of 8th degree black belt.  

After dinner there was a review of policies and procedures and they were officially adopted by unamimous vote.  Master Konrad Spillmann was designated as chairman of social media and Dr. Karen Kramer was designated as membership director.  

Bright and early Sunday morning, everyone gather at the beautiful Red Rocks Amphatheatre for more training on pattern timing and for photographs.  Everyone went home happy, healthy, inspired, and more knowledgable than when they came!

The next retreat will be hosted by Master Konrad Spillmann and ATC in Gallatin, Tennessee.  We hope to see you there.