Phoenix Group represents USA

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

The Phoenix Group was both privileged and proud to represent the USA in Argentina at the historic event celebrating Taekwon-Do’s 62 birthday and its 50th year in Argentina.  Congratulations to Grand Master Galarraga, Argentina, and all of South America for all the work they have done to grow the ITF.  This past weekend April 7, 8, and 9 they brought together over 700 black belts to join an International Instructor Course and Umpire Course.  They then added a Master Class which brought around 1000 participants together. The event was supported by ITF President Choi, Jung Hwa; Vice Presidents Volmir Ligay and Trevor Nichols; Special Assistant to the President Parm Rai; daughter of the President, Jasmine Choi; and Public Relations Chris Jung.  


Also in attendance were Taekwon-Do pioneers Grand Master JC Kim, and Grand Master Han Chang Kim.  JC Kim was one of the first pioneers who began teaching in 1957, and was instrumental in spreading Taekwon-do around the world. Grand Master Han Chang Kim was the pioneer that introduced Taekwon-Do to Argentina in 1967; he shared that it is wonderful to see Taekwon-Do so strong.   There were many South American countries, including: Argentina, Brazil, Chili, Paraguay, Uruguay, and others.  North America was represented by the USA (Phoenix Group) and Canada. 


The weekend included a meeting with the Ministry of Sports helping Argentina ITF become a recognized sport by the government.  This was a historic first step in effort to bring ITF Taekwon-Do into the Olympics.  The weekend ended with the celebration dinner and party where glasses were held high in honor of Taekwon-Do.