Pan American Games
Congratulations to all those who attended the 2017 Pan American TaeKwon-Do Championships in Toronto, Canada on Julty 29th and 30th. The event was well run. The venue and accomodations were excellent. All of the participants had a great time and the black belts all got good experience both as competitors and as judges in an International Event.
The Phoenix Group was represented by Dr. Karen Kramer and her students from Colorado. Featured in the picture are Sheri Ambrits from Master Jue in California; Dr. Karen Kramer instructor and coach; Diana Hansen who earned a 3rd in her division; Tony Paris who competed in patterns, Rob Hansen who made all of the initial breaks and tied for 1st place in breaking and then ended up recieving a 3rd place medal when he missed a 10 board side kick as part of the tie breaker; Master Suzan Crochet Phoenix Group President. Not shown in the picutre but also in attendance were Moises Ambritz and Juhi Goyal from Master Jue's USITF school in California and AJ Hansen from Colorado who came home wih a gold medal in individual sparring and team sparring and a silver medal in team patterns.
Congratulations to all who participated in the event. Everyone of you were great ambassadors for the United States. Building bridges through sport and communication builds relationships and spreads world peace at a time when many are concerned about the future of the World. Keep up the great work.